VUKV as research organization deals with independent research, development and testing of railway vehicles, their parts and other components from the area of transport engineering. The company also offers advisory and consultancy service in these areas. Both Czech and foreign manufacturers of railway rolling stock and and operators are our clients. Products actively developed and launched by the VÚKV can be encountered not only in the Czech Republic but also in many countries of the world.
Rolling Stock
- Freight wagons
- Locomotives
- Long distance and regional passengers trains (up to 250km/H)
- Other (including services, design, consultancy, certification etc.)
- Urban and suburban trains (including tamways, LRT, metros)
Vehicle Components (according to EN15380-2)
- Interior appointments
- Other (including services, design, consultancy, certification etc.)
- Running gear
- Vehicle body
- Vehicle fitting out
Design of railway vehicles and their parts
VUKV offers complex engineering service for prototype development, associated research activities and serial manufacture of railway vehicles. Prototype development includes the following activities: Initial feasibility study, Preparation of design documentation, Design including preparation of drawing documentation, Cooperation in prototype manufacture. Development may also include strength, simulation or other technical calculations and associated research activities.
VÚKV a.s. has taken active part in many research projects of the Czech Republic and other European countries. Some examples: Methodology of creating simulation models for evaluation of aerodynamic effects of vehicles, Wheel profile of trams, Research and development of safe tram face, Analysis of tram-pedestrian traffic collision, validation of simulation models, Josef Bozek National Center of Competence, New bogie for freight wagons, Measuring wheelset and calibration stand.